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Navigating Inheritance Conversations: Turning Tough Talks into Lasting Legacies

“A life of luxury sounds nice, but generational wealth sounds better.” (Unknown) As the old adage goes: “The first generation creates wealth, the second generation preserves wealth, and the third generation squanders it!” Our goal is to prevent this. If you’re fortunate enough to have created generational wealth, it’s extremely important that your heirs know…

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Behavioural FinanceFinancial PlanningSaving & Investing

Why Emotions and Investing Don’t Always Mix

“Speculation leads you the wrong way. It allows you to put your emotions first, whereas investment gets emotions out of the picture.” (John C. Bogle) It’s tempting to believe we can control our emotions regarding money matters. However, being human means we’re susceptible to emotional biases that lurk silently beneath the surface, influencing our choices…

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Financial PlanningRetirement Planning

Need to Know: Annualised Returns Versus Internal Rates of Return

“Returns matter a lot. It’s your capital.” (Abigail Johnson) Let’s start at the beginning – Annualised returns The annualised rate of return on investment represents the average yearly return you would have received over a specified period. It expresses an investment’s performance as if it had grown steadily each year, taking compounding into account, even though…

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