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Navigating Inheritance Conversations: Turning Tough Talks into Lasting Legacies

“A life of luxury sounds nice, but generational wealth sounds better.” (Unknown) As the old adage goes: “The first generation creates wealth, the second generation preserves wealth, and the third generation squanders it!” Our goal is to prevent this. If you’re fortunate enough to have created generational wealth, it’s extremely important that your heirs know…

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Kanan Wealth believes #SavingIsCool

Stuart Kantor provides useful tips on how to save. I don’t know the stats, but it is a very real fact that the majority of South Africans cannot afford to retire and the current employed majority will also not be able to afford to retire. Yes, from a net worth perspective, South Africa has a…

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Compound Interest: The Wealth of Patience

“The stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient.” – Warren Buffett The Value of Compounding Compounding, in the words of Piet Viljoen, a prominent South African fund manager, is your only friend in the market. Compounding is one of the few factors over which you have influence and which…

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What makes Kanan Wealth different?

Sometimes doing nothing is more important than doing something. We believe that return profiling is more important than risk profiling. The herd matters but what matters more is your position within. We are insurance nerds and are totally okay with not always recommending the cool product. We plan around probabilities and don’t play on your…

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The Future is Now

Dear KANAN WEALTH CLIENT Hopefully through your encounters with the Kanan Wealth team you have gotten a sense of how passionate we are about offering sound financial advice. At the core of our Raison d’être is a rich understanding of the power of money as an enabler, Furthermore, we are also very much aware of…

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