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Navigating Inheritance Conversations: Turning Tough Talks into Lasting Legacies

“A life of luxury sounds nice, but generational wealth sounds better.” (Unknown) As the old adage goes: “The first generation creates wealth, the second generation preserves wealth, and the third generation squanders it!” Our goal is to prevent this. If you’re fortunate enough to have created generational wealth, it’s extremely important that your heirs know…

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How many Wills do you need?

Most people know that without a Will there’s no guarantee that your intended heirs will actually inherit your assets. Dying without a Will also gives you no control over the administration of the estate, or what happens to the funds if one of your beneficiaries is a minor. What might come as news to you,…

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Financial PlanningRetirement Planning

The Big Question: Should You Buy a Home or Rent One?

“Home is not a place; it’s a feeling.” (Cecelia Ahern) Deciding whether to buy or rent your home may be one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make. Ultimately, the choice comes down to a combination of financial variables and personal factors, which, as we know, fluctuate unpredictably. Rands and cents Let’s start…

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Estate PlanningFinancial PlanningSaving & Investing

Aligning Your “Wheel of Life” – A Beginner’s Guide

As your wheel of life turns, your financial needs, goals and focuses change. When you start working, you’re absorbed by accumulating assets. Later, as you near retirement, your focus shifts to wealth preservation. And eventually, when you’re settled and comfortable in your golden years, the transfer of wealth becomes your number one priority. It goes…

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Financial PlanningSaving & Investing

Why You Should Keep Your Investment Strategy to Yourself

“There is no pebble so small that it won’t make ripples when tossed into a body of water.” (Charles Peck) In a recent blog post, financial writer Morgan Housel made an interesting observation. He wondered what would happen if people invited public scrutiny of the way they went about trying to find love: “Imagine if,…

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Financial PlanningRetirement PlanningSaving & Investing

Three Pot System 101: What You Need to Know Before 1 September

“Change is not a gate we pass through; it is the definition of life.” (Millie Florence) The good Supporters of the change believe that introducing an accessible savings pot can provide salvation for those in financial crises, like the one caused by the Covid pandemic. It will help people to avoid debt and prevent people…

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RetirementRetirement Planning

Understanding South Africa’s New ‘Two-Pot Retirement System’ for Retirement Funds

South Africa is set to introduce a significant reform in its retirement funding system with the implementation of the ‘Two-Pot system’1. The Two-Pot system aims to address several key issues within the current retirement savings framework by balancing the need for long-term savings with the need for short-term financial flexibility, addressing both immediate financial pressures…

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