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Alternative investments: Crypto Arbitrage generates significant returns on capital

The range of available investment options continues to grow, making it increasingly challenging to select the right one for your desired returns. Future Forex, a finance firm founded by Cape Town entrepreneurs Harry Scherzer and Josh Kotlowitz, offers a compelling investment product called Crypto Arbitrage, which provides investors with excellent diversification for their traditional portfolios.…

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EconomyMarket UpdateSaving & Investing

Market Update: Financial Markets Welcome GNU 2.0 and New Cabinet

GNU 2.0 the best possible outcome for investors South Africa’s second Government of National Unity in three decades heralds good things to come for the country and investors. Financially speaking, it is the best outcome we can hope for in a challenging political environment. Dominated by the ANC and the Democratic Alliance, the GNU 2.0…

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The year of the ballot

Elections often move markets. This year, eight of the world’s 10 most-populous nations – across the Global North and South – go to the polls in the same year for the first time ever. FX markets are often the best way to express views or hedge positions in and around elections, and FX volatility presents…

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