The year of the ballot

Elections often move markets. This year, eight of the world’s 10 most-populous nations – across the Global North and South – go to the polls in the same year for the first time ever. FX markets are often the best way to express views or hedge positions in and around elections, and FX volatility presents…

The Sandwich Generation: How Can You Deal with Family Always Asking You for Money?

“Family is not just important; it’s everything.” (Michael J Fox)   Many South Africans are not just working to support themselves or even their immediate families. Given the country’s high rate of unemployment, it’s not unusual for people to find themselves under pressure to provide financially for their parents, grandparents and even cousins, aunts and uncles.…

Protect Yourself from Phishing Attacks!

Phishing – or the fraudulent distribution of emails/SMSs/WhatsApp’s from what appears to be a reputable source – is on the rise. Through SMSs, messaging apps or by telephone, fraudsters use phishing scams to persuade you they are from a credible organisation, for example your bank or investment platform. They will ask you to reveal confidential…