Khali Memani, our latest Team Member at Kanan Wealth has been pondering what it means to look good with regards to being financially savvy.
If you lookgood by Khaliphile Memani
If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good you become more productive, attentive and confident. 🙂 Basically you become a good vibe dispenser 🙂
With the internet and all social media platforms giving us a peek into fashionistas closets on a daily basis and fashion trends coming and going at a crazy rate, we are bound to feel the need to keep up with the Jones’ even if it’s at our own detriment.
Let’s get one thing straight, when it comes to being an adult we have somehow convinced ourselves that being an adult and being an owner of retail accounts or that “just for emergency credit card” which ends up buying the “must have new outfits for every weekend lunch” go hand in hand. We even go as far as justifying it by convincing ourselves that, it’s in your best interest to have it because you are creating a credit record which will help you when you need to purchase a house or a car. Which is partly true but that is not the healthiest way to create a credit portfolio because more often than not, people find themselves drowning in retail debt spent on impulsive buys.
Looking good on a budget does not mean being limited to thrift shops, which honestly are not a bad idea every now and again because you could find a special one of a kind piece. I found a work skirt and a winter coat for just R180. However excessive thrift shopping is not advised either because getting lots of items at discounted prices does not necessarily mean you are getting your monies worth. As the youth, we need to avoid emotional splurges. And that it’s okay to be out with friends and not purchase anything; when they so happen to do a little shopping. In these instances we learn to hone honesty with ourselves, finances and goals. BOUNDARIES are not only set for others in order to protect yourself, but also to protect you from making emotional financial decisions.
There are fun and trendy concepts such as, capsule wardrobes that enable us to look good without breaking the bank and channelling your inner minimalist. The term Capsule wardrobe was coined by Susie Faux, in the 1970s. According to her, a capsule wardrobe is “a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don’t go out of fashion, such as skirts, pants, and coats, which can then be modified with seasonal pieces”. One needs not capsule just their wardrobe even your make up/grooming bag may need a little basic facelift to give you the extra jingle in your pockets. I am a casualty of impulsive buys that don’t make sense or enhance my sense of style and leave me even more confused about what to wear than before. So the idea of a capsule work wardrobe to start with is sounding like a great idea to identify what my personal style is by keeping it “simple” for three months.
When it comes to living a fabulous frugal life the internet is our friend. With sites such as Groupon and DIY YouTube channels at our disposal we have no excuse for overspending on what we deem as “nice things”.
Something Fun to Do
Every three months have a clothing exchange evening with your friends or family. It’s a fun and frugal way to get new items or making sure your beloved clothes are going to a new loving home.