Dear Client,
While we are fully aware that 2020 has been a year of real challenge and struggle for many, I am writing this letter to celebrate the positives and there have truly been many.
Allow me to take you on a brief journey from macro to micro; from Covid and Capitalism, to the Financial Services Industry; to Kanan Wealth; to our clients and, finally, to our own personal best moments.
Covid and Capitalism
So thanks to Capitalism, humanity will kick Covid into touch and at the same time adopt more ways to save the environment via reducing our Carbon Footprint. #ZOOM #TEAMS
What humanity must realise, is that Capitalism is the only game in town. (And Yes, I am very much in support of Social-Capitalism)
With survival and profit at the centre, Capitalism inspires innovation. As a result humanity benefits from new technologies/ systems/ products etc. which add tremendous value to our lives even though, within in weeks we are likely to take even these for granted.
Sure, we are all prone to panic, but hope and resilience have clearly proven to be some of humanity’s more powerful virtues over the longer term
To conclude this paragraph – the stock market is higher over the year; the Rand is strong vs most currencies and surely, some thanks must go to Cyril and his team for tackling corruption. #proudlySouthAfrican
The Financial Services Industry
Simply put I have been really inspired to see how responsive the product providers have been as they race to support the demands of the Under-Saved. As advisers, Jon and I have been aware for some time, that a massive Savings Crisis is unfolding. In other words, people haven’t saved enough for their retirement years and this year it has been inspiring to see how Life Annuity solutions can, at times, help to almost double income needs for whole of life – Ts and Cs Apply.
Furthermore, almost all insurers offer savings boosts for staying committed to your Retirement Annuity Journey.
Finally, Hedge Funds are now making there way into the Unit Trust space and we welcome the role these managers can play in our portfolios as we strive to help clients achieve their goals, albeit, as complex as financial security.
Kanan Wealth
Thanks to Jon and the commitment of our ladies, our team efficiently transitioned to working from home and He and I, certainly worked harder than ever before, as weeks blurred into weekends with the simple mission of ensuring a fantastic client experience.
Our Clients
Every year, we are committed to those tough conversations and this year was no different:
- You need to save more for your future! – We had success with debit orders increasing
- You need to spend less/ withdraw less! – This is really tough consider the year we had, but we had some success given the circumstances.
- Your insurance has a few gaps, you need to improve your policy! – This year clients seemed to engage a bit more with their insurance policies.
- Do you have a Will? – We introduced clients to our peripheral service providers and nudged more people to take control of their legacy and estate.
Furthermore, we helped clients sell their properties and businesses and tried to support their businesses via various online learning and networking webinars.
Jon and Stu’s Personal Best Moments
Stu: “This year, Cape Town, as a playground, grew wider as I experienced cold water swimming. This is now a new favourite thing, for which I am extremely grateful!.. Oh, and I learned that I don’t need a driver to enjoy golf…”
Jon: “I passed the CFP board exam and now feel even better equipped to help our clients. I also managed to complete another Robben Island crossing which was brutal but also invigorating for the soul.”
Enjoy the Silly Season and we’re looking forward to connecting with you in 2021!